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All of these great books are available on Audible. You can listen to them on your computer or on your phone. I am constantly listening to books to feed my mind to help me become more successful in life and business.

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I have had my Audible account for almost 20 years, and I have about 900 books in my Audible library.

Books on Network Marketing


Building an Empire

Brian Carruthers

100% Confidence

Ed Ludbrook

Go Pro - 7 Steps to Becoming a Network Marketing Professional

Eric Worre

Building Your Network Marketing Business

Jim Rohn

Beach Money

Jordan Adler

The Two-Minute Story for Network Marketing

Keith Schreiter and Tom "Big Al" Schreiter

Your First Year in Network Marketing

Mark Yarnell

Home Business Profits

Ray Higdon

The LinkedIn Book for Network Marketing

Scott Aaron

How to Get Instant Trust, Belief, Influence…

Tom "Big Al" Schreiter

The Network Marketing Manual

Tom Corson-Knowles

Rules of the Rich

Tom Corson-Knowles

Schedule Your Success

Tom Corson-Knowles

How to Be a Network Marketing Millionaire

Bob Sharpe

Books on Network Marketing


Building an Empire

Brian Carruthers

100% Confidence

Ed Ludbrook

Go Pro - 7 Steps to Becoming a Network Marketing Professional

Eric Worre

Building Your Network Marketing Business

Jim Rohn

The Two-Minute Story for Network Marketing

Keith Schreiter and Tom "Big Al" Schreiter

Your First Year in Network Marketing

Mark Yarnell

Home Business Profits

Ray Higdon

The LinkedIn Book for Network Marketing

Scott Aaron

How to Get Instant Trust, Belief, Influence…

Tom "Big Al" Schreiter

The Network Marketing Manual

Tom Corson-Knowles

Rules of the Rich

Tom Corson-Knowles

Schedule Your Success

Tom Corson-Knowles

How to Be a Network Marketing Millionaire

Bob Sharpe

Books on Sales


Fill Your Funnel

 Dan Portik and  Tom Hopkins

The Psychology of Selling

Brian Tracy

The Art of Closing the Sale

Brian Tracy

The System

Eric Lofholm

Secrets of Selling

Grant Cardone

The Little Red Book of Selling

Jeffrey Gitomer

The Irresistible Offer

Mark Joyner

The Greatest Salesman in the World

Og Mandino

Inside Secrets of Superstar Sales Presentations

Patricia Fripp

The Official Guide to Success

Tom Hopkins

The Miracle of Success

Tom Hopkins

Becoming a Sales Pro

Tom Hopkins

The Language of Sales

Tom Hopkins and Andrews Eilers

Secrets of Closing the Sale

Zig Ziglar

Books on Success


Awaken the Giant Within

Anthony Robbins

Giant Steps

Anthony Robbins

The 6 Habits of Growth

Brandon Burchard

Get Smart

Brian Tracy

The Power of Self-Confidence

Brian Tracy

No Excuses!

Brian Tracy

Success Mastery Academy

Brian Tracy

How to Talk to Anybody, Anytinme, Anywhere

Chris Widener

The Jim Rohn Legacy Series Chris Widener

Chris Widener

How to Win Friends and Influence People

Dale Carneige

The Compound Effect: Multiply Your Success One Step at a Time

Darren Hardy

Millionaire Success Habits

Dean Graziosi

The Strangest Secret

Earl Nightingale

The Richest Man in Babylon

George S. Clason

How to Get and Stay Motivated

Grant Cardone

The Millionaire Booklet

Grant Cardone


Guy Kawasaki

The Ultimate Jim Rohn Library

Jim Rohn

Communication and the Art of Persuasion

Jim Rohn

The 5 Keys to Understanding the Marketplace

Jim Rohn

Twelve Pillars

Jim Rohn and Chris Widener

Intentional Living

John Maxwell

Good Leaders Ask Great Questions

John Maxwell

The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership

John Maxwell

How Successful People Think

John Maxwell

Make Today Count

John Maxwell

The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth

John Maxwell

Ready, Fire, Aim

Michael Masterson

The Power of Purpose

Myles Munroe

Results Oriented Communication Skills of a Pro

Nido Quebein


Robert Cialdini

The Dip

Seth Godin

Start with Why

Simon Sinek

The 4-Hour Workweek

Timothy Ferriss

Thinking Big

Zig Ziglar

Born to Win

Zig Ziglar and Tom Ziglar

Eat that Frog!

Brian Tracy

Wealth Building


Millionaire Mindset

Darnell Smith

The Top Ten Distinctions Between Millionaires and the Middle Class

Keith Cameron Smith

Rich Dad Poor Dad

Robert Kiyosaki

Million Dollar Habits

Robert Ringer

Books on Sales


Fill Your Funnel

 Dan Portik and  Tom Hopkins

The Psychology of Selling

Brian Tracy

The Art of Closing the Sale

Brian Tracy

The System

Eric Lofholm

Secrets of Selling

Grant Cardone

The Little Red Book of Selling

Jeffrey Gitomer

The Irresistible Offer

Mark Joyner

The Greatest Salesman in the World

Og Mandino

Inside Secrets of Superstar Sales Presentations

Patricia Fripp

The Official Guide to Success

Tom Hopkins

The Miracle of Success

Tom Hopkins

Becoming a Sales Pro

Tom Hopkins

The Language of Sales

Tom Hopkins and Andrews Eilers

Secrets of Closing the Sale

Zig Ziglar

Books on Success


Awaken the Giant Within

Anthony Robbins

Giant Steps

Anthony Robbins

The 6 Habits of Growth

Brandon Burchard

Get Smart

Brian Tracy

The Power of Self-Confidence

Brian Tracy

No Excuses!

Brian Tracy

Success Mastery Academy

Brian Tracy

How to Talk to Anybody, Anytinme, Anywhere

Chris Widener

The Jim Rohn Legacy Series Chris Widener

Chris Widener

How to Win Friends and Influence People

Dale Carneige

The Compound Effect: Multiply Your Success One Step at a Time

Darren Hardy

Millionaire Success Habits

Dean Graziosi

The Strangest Secret

Earl Nightingale

The Richest Man in Babylon

George S. Clason

How to Get and Stay Motivated

Grant Cardone

The Millionaire Booklet

Grant Cardone


Guy Kawasaki

The Ultimate Jim Rohn Library

Jim Rohn

Communication and the Art of Persuasion

Jim Rohn

The 5 Keys to Understanding the Marketplace

Jim Rohn

Twelve Pillars

Jim Rohn and Chris Widener

Intentional Living

John Maxwell

Good Leaders Ask Great Questions

John Maxwell

The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership

John Maxwell

How Successful People Think

John Maxwell

Make Today Count

John Maxwell

The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth

John Maxwell

Ready, Fire, Aim

Michael Masterson

The Power of Purpose

Myles Munroe

Results Oriented Communication Skills of a Pro

Nido Quebein


Robert Cialdini

The Dip

Seth Godin

Start with Why

Simon Sinek

The 4-Hour Workweek

Timothy Ferriss

Thinking Big

Zig Ziglar

Born to Win

Zig Ziglar and Tom Ziglar

Eat that Frog!

Brian Tracy

Wealth Building


Millionaire Mindset

Darnell Smith

The Top Ten Distinctions Between Millionaires and the Middle Class

Keith Cameron Smith

Rich Dad Poor Dad

Robert Kiyosaki

Million Dollar Habits

Robert Ringer